Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Our Visit to Gulmarg by Gondola Ride

1st May 2013 - Today is our last day of Kashmir Trip. We have dedicated the whole day for Gulmarg. We started early and are hoping for a fun day at the mountains.

We had already bought the Gulmarg Gondola Ride tickets for Phase 1 and 2 at the airport counter and had come with some warm layers like sweaters and jerkins. On the way to Gulmarg, our driver stopped at a place and told us we should rent out the winter jackets/shoes. But we firmly said we have our own stuff and we do not plan to rent any. After all it is already May and weather is looking awesome! We went ahead to Gulmarg base area. We reached the parking area and in no time we realized it was so cold and damp there and it was raining that day. Now we realized for sure, our warm cloth is not enough. There are rental shops right there, but probably the earlier one where our driver had stopped would have been little bit cheaper. Anyways, we rented out all those additional layers we needed and ready for the Gondola Ride.

It is bit of a distance from the parking area to the Gondola boarding. You can either walk or take a pony ride. None of us were keen on going on pony and hence we decided to walk. Now didn't I say we already had tickets for the Gondola Ride? That is what we thought, but it is not a final ticket. We learnt that we still have to go to a counter, show our pass and Ids and get the real ticket. There are different counters and different lines, no one tells where to go or what to do. It is completely disorganized and there was such a huge crowd. We somehow managed to figure out which line to stand in. My brother-in-law stood there in the line and we all stood nearby waiting. There is no place to sit and rain was slowly turning into snow and it was getting much colder. It was 3+ hours waiting in that cold just to get the ticket. Standing in the line and trying to get your chance itself is one big deal as travel agents seem to go ahead of everyone pushing and pulling ruthlessly. If we had not already paid the money, we would have probably turned back. Now they also announced Phase 2 is cancelled. Even after we got the ticket, another confusion as to which line to go for the actual Gondola boarding.

We managed to board the Gondola and reached the stopping point on Gulmarg. Some of us started having some fun in the snow, but in no time they started announcing Gondola Ride itself will be closed very soon and we should be getting back. We hurried and got back to the Gondola. During the return ride, Gondola had a sudden stop and it was stopping at a weird angle and we all shouted out thinking something is wrong. It then started again and we reached back safely. But we learnt later that there was an earth quake during that time!

Now again we got to walk back to the parking area. Being out in the cold for so long, our hands and toes were freezing. My son was hurting and crying out for help saying he has frostbite. We managed to get into the car, driver turned on the heat and then it took a long time for our body to come to normal temperature.

It was such a bad experience. None of us enjoyed. We regretted going there, we all thought instead we could have enjoyed some other activity in the town. It was all due to so much disorganization by Gulmarg Gondola Cable Car Company. Why can't they issue original ticket when we paid at the Airport counter? It was so hard even to find out which counter we need to go, which line we need to stand etc. No proper boards and nobody there to help you out. No covered area while waiting, imagine spending 3 to 4 hours in that bitter cold without knowing what is happening. I am sure they are having the similar crowd everyday, but is this how treat them? I am very shocked and disappointed to see how things were handled. 

If I ever visit Kashmir again, I would certainly not do Gulmarg Gondola Ride!


  1. Lovely post. There are various places to visit in Gulmarg. The hill station is specially famous for its ski resorts and ski slopes as it witnesses heavy snowfall during winters. Check out best Gulmarg Hotels offering comfortable stay.

  2. Nice post. Thanks for sharing. Gulmarg or "Meadow of Flowers" is a hill station and a popular skiing destination. It is situated in the Pir Pinjal range of the western Himalayas. All the places to visit in Gulmarg are very popular among tourists. It also has the highest golf course.

  3. Thanks for sharing content and such nice information for me. I hope you will share some more content about. gulmarg by gondola please keeps sharing!

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